Girl's hostel in Jalandhar
The college hostel with all modern facilities is available for 50 students. It is situated within the campus and is equipped with all modern amenities such as television sets, water coolers, electric lights, flush lavatories, recreation room, neat and hygienic mess and a spacious dining room. The Hostel Committee ensures the welfare of the boarder. Library facilities and coaching is also made available to the resident scholars.
Seats in the hostel are limited and no one can claim admission in the hostel as a matter of right. It is compulsory for every girl seeking admission to the hostel to bring her father/guardian with her at the time of admission. In no case younger sister/brother will be accepted as guardian.
The hostel runs common mess where girls are fully associated in order to make kitchen a success. All efforts are made to provide the girls with wholesome and clean diet. Mess Committee consisting of President, Vice President and three members(all students) draw the menu and supervise the arrangement with the guidance of Hostel Incharge. Mess Charges are to be given in advance before the 10th of every month. No deductions will be made in the mess account of the girl if she stays away from the hostel without leave however long the period may be.
Facilities In The Hostel
- Television Set
- Music Player
- Library
- Newspaper, Magazines
- Recreation Room
- Neat and Hygienic Mess
- Spacious Dining room
- Inverter Facility
- Water coolers and Air coolers in each room
- Neat & clean Wash Rooms with Washing Machine facility
- Yoga training to hostelers
A separate admission form will have to be filled for a seat in the hostel. Admission to the hostel would be made on first come first serve basis. Students seeking admission to the hostel will have to abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel.
- A list of visitors who may be permitted to visit the student and those persons whom the student may visit at their house should be submitted by the parent/guardian at the time of admission. The maximum number of visitors allowed is four. The specimen signatures and identity cards of the visitors duly attested by parents/guardian should also be submitted to the Principal along with the above documents.
- Visitors will be allowed to see their wards only on Saturdays and Sundays.
Winter (October to March)
- Saturday – 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
- Sunday – 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Summer (April to September)
- Saturday – 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Sunday – 10:00 AM to 12:40 PM and 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- The visitors are requested to observe the above mentioned timings strictly.
- No visitors will be allowed during the week.
- No student will be allowed to stay out for the night without the written request of her guardian.
- Visitors are requested to sign in the hostel register when they take/leave their ward in the hostel.
- She must present the gate pass issued by the Hostel Incharge when she leaves the hostel.
- Parents or local guardian can take their wards to stay with them only once in a fortnight.
- Telephone numbers of the local guardian should be given at the time of admission.
- If two sisters are studying, the names of the visitors shall be the same in their admission forms.
- Permission must be obtained from the Principal
- Before a student leaves the premises, In no case will she be allowed to go unescorted.
- When permitted to leave the premises, the students must sign the register maintained for the purpose and must return to the college not later than 6.00 p.m. in winter and 7.00 p.m. in summer.
- Hostel students should reach one day before the reopening of the college vacation. If any student remains absent without prior information, a fine of Rs. 20/- per day shall be charged.
- No student will be allowed to go home in the middle of the term. In case her presence is absolutely necessary at some important function, the parents should write to the Principal well in advance.
- A boarder must be present for the morning assembly on Monday. She will be fined in case of absence from the morning assembly.
- It is compulsory for every student to be present for the roll call in the evening prayer.
- No cash or costly jewellery should be brought to the hostel. Hostel authorities will not be responsible for any loss.
- Boarders are not allowed to use any electronic appliances. If any student is caught using it, she will be fined Rs. 50/- and may even be expelled.
- No student will absent herself from a class without the permission of the hostel in-charge. In case a student is found doing so, she is liable to be expelled from the hostel. The parents shall be informed about the defaulters. Parents are required to note that if their wards fall short of lectures, their names will not be sent for the university examination.
- No student will be allowed to meet her parents/guardian during working hours.
- No student will be allowed to leave the hostel before the valedictory function.
- A boarder is not allowed to use the mobile in the hostel.
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Our Address:
Banarsi Dass Arya College
42, Haqiqat Road, Jalandhar Cantt,
Jalandhar 144005, Punjab, INDIA.
Ph.: +91.181.2260267, +91.81463.00177
E-mail: bdarya (at) rediffmail (dot) com